So, I was tagged in a meme by Lauren at Mud Mama! A ten things that make me happy list! So here it goes...
1. M & Ms. Especially when they come in holiday colors like red and green for Christmas or pink and white for Valentine's Day.
2. Watching my son have fun. I feel like a super mommy when I can provide experiences that make him smile and laugh.
3. Quiet nights alone when I feel at peace and can be still enough in mind and spirit to read a book.
4. The TV show Ugly Betty. Yes, a tv show makes me very happy.
5. Memories of my Grandaddy. He was always a positive spirit.
6. When my sister comes to visit from St. Louis. I'll be happier if she ever moves back home.
7. Musicals! I love them all! This is a constant thorn in my husband's side.
8. Finding money. And getting money in the mail. And winning the lottery. I've never won the lottery, but I'm pretty sure I'd be over the moon. I mean, who isn't happy about that?
9. Getting comments on my blog posts. (hint, hint)
10. And finally, last but not least, wearing new clothes for the first time and feeling like an
attractive woman again instead of a sweat pants wearin' momma. I need this feeling more often. And while I'm at it, a pedicure would be fantastic. And some new make-up. Oh! And definitely new shoes. Man, it's been years since I bought a pair of new shoes.
And now, I will tag ten other blogs to do this happiness post!
Life Not Wasted or Lost
Meandering Moody Memories
Eroding Self Sediment
Mimi Bella Boo
Finding Trinity
Momma Ra
Raising My 4 Sons
Such is Life
King Max
Susan Fobes' Family Formula
Have a happy day!
Tempat Beli Arang Aktif di Jakarta Semarang
2 months ago
Yes...definitely M & M's! I see you only have one more day to post to make your goal this week. You are posting more and I'm posting less. :)
ReplyDeleteJust hibernating for now at Lakewood,
I love musicals too and my husband hates them, so I go with my daughter. You know how they sometimes make those extra big M&M's (ogre sized)? Do you love? Cuz I love!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the mint m&m's, but I think they only sell them at Christmastime.
ReplyDeleteI bought some new shoes yesterday.
ReplyDeletei just discovered the peanut butter m&m's - woah! cant' quit eating them. loved your list and i don't even know you but i just love you - you are such a fun person and i know we'd be fast friends! off to do my list - i am a grump today so today might not be the right time to do it.
ReplyDeleteI've been tagged by you so I guess I had better get started on my post.
ReplyDeletei just came across your blog, by looking at tons of other blogs:) i also have celiac and a pitiful little blog named i wish it looked like pioneer woman's but i take terrible food pictures but my recipes taste good and i have to feed my husband and son with this food and they like it so check it out if you want and i will check back to yours! i am not a coffee drinker but starbucks just got gluten free cookies in bags and lots of other healthy snacks you should check it out!!
ReplyDeletebeautiful list!! i know what ya mean about seeing your child have fun and feeling like a good mama. I am a musical girl, too! Happy, happy! And new clothes and pedis, yes, yes! Thanks for playing along :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I can't stop laughing about the irony in all of this. (I just got done with a pity-party post!) Well, the challenge is on then. I promise to look on the bright side for my next entry. Thanks so much for the tag!
ReplyDeleteI did my blog on 10 happy things. It was fun. Thanks.
Aw thanks for tagging me, this is a good one! I'll get right on it!