Saturday, August 7, 2010


Short one this time. A call for computer help.

Now, don't laugh. But I am terrible with computers. How I even manage to maintain a blog, email, and Facebook all at the same time is a miracle. It took me forever to figure out how to put my favorite sites on Etsy. If I ever wanted to update my blog, I couldn't because I don't know how. My brain doesn't speak computer. Or fancy cell phone slang. Or tv cable language.

So, having said that, I need help with finding some of my favorite blogs. Every time one of the blogs I read moves to wordpress or changes their url, I can no longer find them. The new posts do not update on my dashboard or on my blog list. And, if I try to add the new url to my reading list, the old, no-longer-valid one just comes up instead. I am so frustrated and can't figure it out!!

I told you I'm bad.

Help, please.


  1. I'd try deleting the old URL FIRST, then adding the new one. And yes, it's a pain that the links can't update themselves.

  2. Sorry, I have no advice for you, I am on the same boat! Everyday is a learning experience on the computer! Let me know if you learn any great tips though- and thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. I do what June suggested. I unfollow and then follow again. Best of luck. I am so not computer savvy so I feel your pain:)

  4. Un-follow then follow again, or subscribe to their new site by e-mail for their latest posts. (Don't know any other way...)

  5. I can barely turn on my own computer. I'm no help to you or anyone else. (sorry!!!) But I'm rock solid at changing poopy diapers. I can even do it one-handed with my eyes clothes. Does that count for anything?

  6. I would agree with the others....unfollow then refollow. Their sites should be redirected so go into your dashboard, manage blogs, and delete their old site. Hope this helps.


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