So, I'm not very good at participating in memes, or blog hops, or weekly posts like Wordless Wednesday. I'm not consistent in my writing because I don't have a laptop to take with me into other rooms. Our computer sits among homeless notebooks, scrapbooking supplies, boxes of my husband's work stuff, two desks, lots of stacks of papers, and various other lost souls in the office/junk room/God-help-me-if-I-have-to-spend-one-more-minute-in-this-ninth-circle-of-hell room. We've never cleaned out our "office" because it will one day be our second child's room (and no, I'm not pregnant, just planning for the future so we can put off cleaning out that room a little longer).
Anyway, if I blog every day, then that is less time spent with my family in the evenings because I am isolated in the "office". Let's just call it the baby's room. That makes me feel like the room has a purpose besides sending me into Anxiety-ville.
The other problem is that we live in a home built in the 1950's and it has ZERO storage for those things that you don't use but you don't want to get rid of either. Like my husband's concert t-shirts from the eight bazillion U2 concerts he has seen. Or my husband's Star Wars toys from when he was a kid, or his bachelor pad wall art that looked like it should be hanging in a motel that I took down the minute I moved in with him four years ago. Or my college notebooks and textbooks. Or my sad scrapbooking supplies that sit waiting for me to have a free day (don't hold your breath, poor little scrapbooking supplies). Or my Christmas and birthday wrapping supplies. Or boxes of old pictures and board games. You get the picture.
And, once that room does become a bedroom someday, where in the heckaroonie (I've been watching too much Pinky Dinky Doo) are we going to put our computer and all that "important" jazz?
Anyway, I'm not sure how I got off subject. I think I started off subject.
The reason for this post is to say that I am signing off until after Christmas for lack of extra time. I want to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends in the next week and a half. My sister and her husband are coming to town (Yay!) and I've got baking to do, and a Christmas party to attend, and presents to wrap, and cleaning to avoid, and sweets to eat, and hot chocolate to drink, and movies to watch, and I'm busy busy!
I will be reading your posts, though. I'm not going totally cold turkey. Maybe I'll finally be able to catch up on all of my reading. And I'll be back after I eat all the chocolatey sweets I possibly can. And then we will chronicle all the weight I will need to lose. I've already gained five pounds since the beginning of October. Stupid Halloween candy and Thanksgiving brownies and hot chocolate marshmallows and whipped cream, chocolate chip cookies, and ice cream. I might have developed a teensy, weensy addiction to sugar over the last three months. Oops.
I'll write again after Christmas or after the New Year. Not sure which.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year, and Happy anything else you might celebrate this time of year! Thank you so much to all of you who regularly read and comment on my blog. I am so grateful!
Holy Mackerel! It's almost Christmas!! HO HO HO!
Tempat Beli Arang Aktif di Jakarta Semarang
2 months ago
Happy Holidays to you and your family too!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good call to me. Hope you have a great holiday!
ReplyDeleteI hope you an absolutely fabulous holiday and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your friends and family and all the good stuff to eat and drink this time of year!
ReplyDeleteGOOD MORNING way over there! MERRY CHRISTMAS __ enjoy the happiness that little one brings on Christmas morning - and wishing you a happy and much better 2010~ so glad to have found you this year!!!
ReplyDeletesounds like a good plan to me!! have a very merry christmas and i'll talk to you in 2010!! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you have the greatest of Christmas Holidays!
ReplyDelete---and Hey maybe you could sell all your Hubbys old Star Wars toys on Ebay and get yourself a laptop! :)