So, the Poo Poo Party. It was about what you would expect - an evening of bathroom humor.
The party last Saturday was only for little boys, so the girls all had to stay in the living room, while the boys ate cake and ice cream and played with whoopie cushions in the dining room (the girls got cake and ice cream later). I, however, being the only mother there of a toddler, got to sit in with the boys because I had to feed my son his cake. The boys had a blast with their whoopie cushions, trying to gross out the mothers and sisters in the house, while sucking the cake off their Spiderman and Batman plastic rings (which were on the cake for decoration). It really was a spectacular idea - my neighbors have been trying to get their three-yr old son to poop in the potty for months. He would pee in the potty, but not poop. Finally, the idea of getting his own poo poo party if he pooped in the potty for seven days in a row with no accidents was the motivation that he needed.
Monday, Max and I both had doctor's appointments. I made Max's 18-month well-child check-up at 7:30 am so we wouldn't have to wait. He isn't the best at waiting. And guess what? We STILL had to wait for over 30 minutes in the waiting room. How busy can they be at 7:30 am? Didn't they just open? I was so frustrated. I can't wait until we can afford to take Max off of government insurance so we can CHOOSE our pediatrician's office. That was a luxury I always took for granted until now.
Max gained two pounds from his 15-month check-up, now weighing 28 pounds. I'm not sure how since he never eats, but I was super happy. And he is in the 95% for height, which he always has been, but I was afraid he might shrink or something. You know, lack of nutrition since the boy won't eat anything outside of chicken nuggets and fish sticks.
Later that afternoon, my wonderful friend Erin and her son, McCoy, came over to babysit Max while I went to the doctor. Earlier in the afternoon, I nearly fainted and my vision blurred out so I was anxious to talk to my OBGYN about it. The lab drew my blood and found my blood sugar to be low and my insulin levels to be high, so it was no wonder I almost passed out. She said I need to eat more protein while I'm pregnant, which is no surprise. Since becoming pregnant, proteins and dairy foods have not been my friends. Fruits and sweet foods have been the only things I can stomach. And with my husband not returning home from work most days until 6:30 or 7 pm, I am too tired to cook anything for dinner by then. Max's energy and curiosity levels usually won't allow me to cook without someone else there to watch him. So, most nights, dinner is cereal and popcorn and a prenatal vitamin. Delicious.
I heard the baby's hearbeat at my appointment! The heartbeat was in the 160's. Max's heartbeat was always in the 140's.
Since I am 35, the doctor offered me extra tests, like an ultrasound to measure the back of the baby's neck to determine the likelihood of Down's Syndrome, or the amniocentesis test to determine birth defects. But, we decided against the tests. Nothing could make me abort this child and knowing that he or she has Down's Syndrome wouldn't change anything. We would just worry for the next six months. We're just going on faith.
Well, hopefully I can read up on your blogs before the little one wakes from his nap! This is the first day in a long time that I haven't needed to sleep while Max sleeps. I am starting my second trimester this week, so maybe the nausea and exhaustion will be behind me for a while!!
Tempat Beli Arang Aktif di Jakarta Semarang
2 months ago
I hope it's all behind you as well!!! All those tests are so scary. So glad you are going with your heart (and heartbeats (-:)!!!
ReplyDeleteI often wonder about those tests and what decision I would make. I'd go on faith too, I think. Do boys or girls have faster heartbeats? How exciting!
ReplyDeleteI had the amnio done only so I'd have time to make plans if something was wrong - but I was 38, so the odds were higher than yours.
ReplyDeleteI wanted cereal or pb&j during both of my pregnancies.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the pregnancy. Good news on the little one's stats too. My little guy is 26 months and is only 29 pounds!
ReplyDeleteMy second was at that magical 35 year mark too, and even though he was the most photographed baby before he was born, we didn't do those extra tests either. (I hope everyone is feeling better.)