1. For the greatest opportunity I ever could have been given. The opportunity to be Max's mommy.
2. The movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It is set during Thanksgiving and I laugh (and cry) every time I see it...which used to be a lot because I own it. On VHS. But I don't own a VCR anymore. Maybe it will come on tv?
2. Dental flossers because I like to get cozy this time of year and eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate and there is nothing that will ruin my holiday spirit more than popcorn kernels in my teeth. Well, almost nothing.
3. Cousin Eddie from the National Lampoon's Vacation movies. He is one of my favorite movie characters of all time and I start watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation around this time every year. On DVD. Thanks goodness I've updated this one from VHS.
4. Family members who are sensitive to my gluten-free needs and go out of their way to make holiday eatin' just as special for me as it used to be. I was worried when I found out I had celiac disease that the holiday grub would be disappointing since I could no longer have our traditional dressing and pie crusts, but my family, even my in-laws, have tried to come up with new recipes to include me in the food festivities. Thank you!
5. Reddi-Whip. Need I say more?
6. And last, I am thankful for all the crap I have been through this past year. Sure, it was crap. It is still crap. However, despite all the crap, I feel lucky. Why? Because I am stronger. I am humbler. I am more gracious. I am seasoned. I have expanded. I am less judgmental. I am more forgiving. I am appreciative. I am healing. I have faced some of my deepest fears...unemployment, being uninsured, miscarriage, uncertainty, isolation, debt...and I have come out the other side, no more sure of tomorrow than before, but certainly more equipped to handle whatever it is.
So, here's to giving thanks, spreading holiday cheer, and to a peaceful holiday season! May we all get everything we want because frankly, no matter how grateful I am for the crap, I am tired of learning life lessons! I'm droppin' out of school!
Happy Thanksgiving! Peace out!